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VitaVita-C Brightening BoosterThe skin is constantly being damaged by factors both external and internal. Preserve and protect your skin with Kreizi Beauty's Vita-C Brightening Booster and watch your skin brighten using: Vitamin-C - highly effective in improving the color and tone of the skin while resisting further blemishes Collagen Preservation - by protecting skin collagen, the skin can regain its lost bounciness0 2929RUB29RUB
Vita-C Brightening Booster в Нефтеюганске
The skin is constantly being damaged by factors both external and internal. Preserve and protect your skin with Kreizi Beauty's Vita-C Brightening Booster and watch your skin brighten using: Vitamin-C - highly effective in improving the color and tone of the skin while resisting further blemishes Collagen Preservation - by protecting skin collagen, the skin can regain its lost bounciness
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